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Have You Ever Made a Joy List??

I heard of a joy list a few years ago and honestly, I didn't think much about it. I thought, I already know what makes me happy, why have a list?

Well, let me tell you why.

Sometimes there are things, events, people that you think bring you happiness, but actually don't. On the other hand, there may be things that fill your cup up that are either so small you don't think about it or something that you didn't consider. It's important to find ways that bring you happiness and fill your cup up regularly. If you are a parent especially, then your needs are often overshadowed by the needs of your kids. So I want to show you my joy list. I encourage you to make your own and save it in the notes section of your phone to look at and remember to carve out some time to fill your cup with joy also.

  • watching fireworks

  • reading a book outside at sunset

  • going to church

  • having lunch/dinner with a friend

  • going on a group run

  • walking somewhere with my family (beach, market common)

  • giving myself a facial at home

  • a bowl of Breyer's Natural Vanilla ice cream

  • getting a massage

  • catching up with a good friend in person

  • listening to a crime podcast

  • going on a walk with Andy

  • 5 course meal at a fancy restaurant

  • going on a trip

  • looking through photo albums

  • having a mocktail (preferably a virgin margarita!)

Some of these take almost no effort to do and bring me a little bit of joy in my day. Some are more time consuming, but at least now I know how to bring myself joy when I am feeling down or blah.

Leave a comment below of something you are adding to your joy list!!!

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