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Breathe it in.

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

Dark room, hot coffee.

Breathe it in.

Quiet house, all alone.

Breathe it in.

It will only last a moment, so I have to soak it in.

Little footsteps coming, quiet as a mouse.

Just the two of us up in this house.

Breathe it in.

Skin so soft, breath so sweet.

Breathe it in.

I scoop her up and hold her close, loving every part of her, from her head to her feet.

Breathe it in.

It will only last a moment, so I have to soak it in.

Little voices rise with the sun

The chaos has begun.

Breathe it in.

Tie my shoes, brush my teeth

Breathe it in.

Listen to this, help me to reach

Breathe it in.

It will only last a moment, so I have to soak it in.

The day feels so long, but they say the years quickly go.

Somedays I want them to fly. I need them to let go.

Touched out, tired as can be

Breathe it in.

Four of you, but only one of me.

Breathe it in.

Bedtime has come, I kiss you on the cheek.

Prayer time, and you thank God for me.

Breathe it in.

The work is hard, but it's the price I have to pay.

For falling in love with each of you every single day.

Deep breaths, I creep out before you rise.

But I look again. You are growing before my eyes.

Breathe it in.

Skin so soft, breath so sweet.

It will only last a moment, so I have to soak it in.

RL Harnish

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